Hello people, i think its kinda long time for me write any post on my blog so i guees time have come
much stories to tell you guys lolz, and im so sure about what dos and dont's guys :)
Let me started with the last Saturday, I mean what so special about this Saturday? haha
actually me and minah followed Chik and Mak Kechik going to Jalan TAR and Masjid India
yeah for sure to help chose angah's tudung bawal printed that going to be sell by her
and help mak kechik finds some goods and exclusive handbags :)
oh yes by the way this also for incase inccident if chik tak hafal jalan ke sana
so i have to give him the direction from cheras ke sana :)
Hell yeah we made it, penat lelah mencari kami membeli about 40 printed bawal and also
40 exclusive handbags with low price but you can exactly look elegent with it
Penat lelah everything we put away janji dapat apa yang dicari and
Alhamdulilah we made it and yes at the same day tisya and mama naik KL
two car used to pick up them, one EXORA and another WIRA SE
*ketar lutut dari Jalan TAR nak ke Pekeliling*
*ketar lutut mak lang semua dari Kelang ke Pekeliling*
Yeah we had so much fun together adik being so happy in here, banyak cakap, main
even shes actually sick or else DEMAM RINDU dekat semua orang :')
So i think this enough for Saturday update so the next post gonna be about Sunday outing :)
tu dia ambik kau :) |