Assalamualaikum readers :)

Its been ages since my last blog about the 'Akad Nikah' Kak Lang and Abang Izad
so tonight i just want to bump another chapter of it..
Lots of things to do lately so its hard for me to rewrite the moments

So Alhamdulilah everything went well, nothing much to say but we were so happy and satisfied
Lol aku tulis post ni right after they married 1 month and 2 days
Congrats married people, just love both of you and kak lang you look glow

So i thought maybe its kinda weird to story more but i did lacks some of memories
and and penat je download 37-38 songs semata-mata nak main masa wedding
Tapi dok dipasang pon dah lah DJ muka sombong nak mati
aku sepak muka kang baru tau!

Big memories on 15/09/2012

Nikah and Mizah's Big Day by Syahmi Azman Photography